Closing of the Bones (Cierre de Cadera)
Closing of the bones, or cierre de cadera in Spanish, is a ritual to honor a rite of passage or transitional moment in life. It is a physical, energetic, and psycho-emotional way to deeply settle the nervous system and close an old chapter with intention and presence in order to turn the page and move forward from an integrated place.
The Tradition
The Closing of the Bones is a traditional practice rooted in various cultures around the world, particularly within the Latin American and Mesoamerican traditions. It is most commonly done to support postnatal recovery and to honor the shifting dynamic of the mother/baby dyad around 40 days postpartum. Read more below for a general step-by-step description of the way I offer it. Additionally, it can be altered to support many human transitions and conditions including:
Susto*, depression, back pain, urinary incontinence, sexual impotence, hormonal or circulatory disorders, infertility, painful or irregular menstruations, and colic to name a few.
It helps the body eliminate toxins, accommodates the womb and bladder, and supports the closure of any cycle; it is excellent after a separation, divorce, bereavement, or physical/material loss and to cleanse old energies or feel closure from a romantic relationship; it is a beautiful way to honor and release any unprocessed feelings from a vaginal or cesarean birth, miscarriage, or abortion. It is also a wonderful way to honor exciting and celebrated life transitions like marriage, a milestone birthday, or graduation.
Closing of the bones relaxes the body and mind and is beneficial for anyone who needs containment and physical, mental, emotional or spiritual TLC.​ ​​​
Honoring transitions and rites of passage in life can help them be life-affirming wellsprings of wisdom that transform life as we know it for the better and increase our vitality; on the contrary when these transitions are ignored, they can leave unresolved issues that become burdensome or even traumatic.
While prevention is always the best medicine and honoring a transition at the time it's happening is ideal, it is never too late to revisit something that was neglected in the past and is still weighing on you.
Some great opportunities for this ceremony include:
- Changing jobs
- Moving
- Empty nesting
- Menopause
- Marriage (for both partners!)
- Graduation
- Divorce
- Pregnancy loss
- A special birthday
- Conscious conception
- Postpartum
This ceremony is contraindicated for pregnancy and when the body is frail due to illness or injury; yoni steaming is contraindicated during menstruation.
* Susto is a cultural illness in Latin American traditions characterized by a sudden fright or trauma, leading to physical and psychological symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and anxiety, believed to result from the soul being displaced or frightened away.

My Approach
My teachers have been predominantly from Mexico. I have studied with multiple midwives, elders, and medicine women and men, and they all have their own way to do this practice. Each one has similarities and each is also totally unique. Sometimes closing of the bones is done ceremonially and sometimes as a relatively quick, simple and straightforward treatment. In honor of the teachers and wisdom keepers who came before me, I am finding my own way to integrate what I’ve learned and offer this beautiful ritual in the way it naturally expresses through me. Where my practice has grown and evolved so far is into a more extended 3-5 hour ceremonial offering that prioritizes carving out ample time and space to deeply settle the nervous system and receive the gems of inner wisdom and clarity that are accessible from this relaxed, secure state of being.​

intention setting
This is your time to share the story behind what you are here to transition from and to set the intention that you came with, or perhaps an intention will spontaneously emerge through your sharing. What has been your experience? What are you leaving behind? What are you calling in? How do you want to walk as you step into the rest of your life?​

yoni steam
A yoni steam, also known as a vaginal steam, is a traditional practice in which a woman sits or squats over a pot of steaming herbal water. The steam, infused with various medicinal plants, can cleanse, heal, and rejuvenate the vaginal area and pelvic region. This practice has roots in various cultures, including Mayan, Korean, and Ayurvedic traditions.
**These elements might be modified based on the nature and intentions of your specific ceremony**
What are some elements of the closing of the bones ceremony I offer?

herbal bath
Many cultures around the world take regular, often daily, herbal baths to help wash away any stagnant or undesired energies. It is quite common to receive the bath from another member of the community, often an elder. Besides being cleansing, they also just feel nourishing, rejuvenating, and so good. Water and medicinal plants have a remarkable ability to settle the nervous system and promote healing. In this closing of the bones ceremony, the herbal tea used for your bath will be infused with your intentions. Here we will wash away all that you don't need and are ready to let go of.

rebozo massage
Rebozo massage is a traditional massage done with the support of a rebozo, which is a long, woven cloth, typically made from natural fibers like cotton or wool. Some ways the rebozo is used to support, massage and realign the body include gentle rocking, swaying, or lifting motions. Different techniques will be applied depending on the needs of the person receiving the massage, which can be used for relaxation, pain relief, easing muscle tension, or improving circulation.

closing of the bones
The ceremony culminates with the closing of the bones, which uses rebozos to provide support and closure to the whole body, especially around the abdomen and pelvis. It involves tucking or knotting the rebozos to create a binding effect intended to foster a profound sense of being held and facilitate a deep release from the previous stage of life. It is sometimes described as a loving full-body hug. It marks the crowning moment of the “death” phase, allowing the individual to let go of their former self and prepare to begin anew. .

This is your time to sip tea, to share anything that came up for you during the ceremony, and to be witnessed and offered connected reflection if you want. Maybe you'll share insights you had that you want to weave into your life, or perhaps you excavated something from the depths that you're finally letting go of. Integration is the process of making sense of and incorporating the lessons learned from significant transitions or personal growth, allowing them to enhance and enrich your overall life narrative.

Logistical Details
The ceremony will take between 3-5 hours. It is suggested to choose a time when there are no prior obligations so you can take the time you need and rest afterwards.
This ceremony is best done in your home or place of comfort. After booking, I will send a short list of clothing and things to get together, all of which you already own.
I will bring all herbs, teas, altar settings, rebozos, and materials.
You may choose to have a partner or children join you for the integration piece at the end.
I am currently based in Denver, Colorado and fairly regularly visit Taos, NM, the Bay area and Shasta/Ashland area in CA, and New Orleans, LA. I travel fairly often and am willing to consider traveling reasonable distances from wherever I am at to share this work. I also know trusted practitioners around the world. Please reach out with any questions!
Pricing $375 includes all teas, herbs, materials, and loving devotion.