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Closing of the Bones Ceremony

Facilitating present, secure, transformational transitions

Closing of the Bones Ceremony

Closing of the bones, or cierre de cadera in Spanish, is a ritual to honor a rite of passage or transitional moment in life. It is a physical, energetic, and psycho-emotional way to deeply settle the nervous system and close an old chapter with intention and presence in order to turn the page and move forward from an integrated place. It is a traditional practice rooted in various cultures around the world, particularly within the Latin American and Mesoamerican traditions and is most commonly done to support postnatal recovery and to honor the shifting dynamic of the mother/baby dyad around 40 days postpartum. Additionally, it can be altered to support many human transitions and conditions.

Honoring transitions and rites of passage in life can help them be life-affirming wellsprings of wisdom that transform life as we know it for the better and increase our vitality; on the contrary when these transitions are ignored, they can leave unresolved issues that become burdensome or even traumatic.

Read more about this ritual and the way I offer it here

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