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"To grow a garden and flourish from the heart is a spiraling journey through cycles; daily cycles, moon cycles, sun cycles, fertility cycles, and the great cycle of life. When the garden is well tended through the seasons, thriving and flourishing are increasingly possible. I invite you to come nourish yourself, connect deeply, and tend the garden of your life with me so that we can cultivate beauty and leave a trail of flowers everywhere we walk on this earth."

Flowering From the Heart



Grace Friedman

I am Grace.


I am a carrier of songs and seeds, a keeper of wisdom and birth;

A moon dancing, tree hugging, life loving woman of the earth.


There are as many ways to slow down and get present as there are moments in time. This exploration, which has many different outward appearances, is a common thread between traditions around the world. I am passionate about exploring many cultures and traditions from around the world that are still connected to the depth of human experience and weaving my life into something beautiful with what I learn. I provide care, education, and support via a number of different modalities that I have studied hands-on with amazing teachers, intended to help humanity live in connection and alignment with nature and feel the increasing ease and joy that naturally unfolds through this alignment. 


I have received training, mentorship, and certification (more info in my teachers section below) in holistic well-woman care, birth work, postpartum care, herbalism, Mayan abdominal massage, yoga+yoga nidra, medicine music, sweat lodge and native ceremonial traditions of the Americas, and other healing modalities, which support me to hold space for settling the nervous system, creating a felt sense of safety, and cultivating the garden of life from a clear and centered place...from the heart and soul. I am deeply rooted in my Jewish ancestral lineage, and I have spent the last 12 years learning kabbalistic mysticism, pattern recognition, and healing generational familial trauma weekly with my Rabbi Henoch Dov Hoffman in Denver who is my greatest teacher and mentor so far in this lifetime and my sounding board for all of my studies and experiences. 


I am a pipe carrier in the Ollintlahuimetztli moon dance tradition since 2016. I received the name Xochitl Tohtli from my dear teacher Abuela Malinalli in 2019 after completing 4 years dancing at the Ollintlahuimetztli moon dance in Mexico. The direct translation is Flower Hawk; it also means Flowering from the Heart. It’s a name I am continuing to grow into, as it brings me clarity and guides my way on my path. Abuela Malinalli has been one of the most cherished, potent and important teachers in my life as well.


I have been blessed with amazing human teachers in this life, as well as many plant and animal teachers. I thank them all from the bottom of my flowering heart! A deep bow of gratitude with love to my family and my ancestors as well. My prayer is to continue to show up for life with my full attention and willingness to be a partner in the creation of a beautiful, thriving world to honor the lives of those who have given me Life and to sustain Life for the generations yet to come. May all children and all beings be well and happy. 


Settling the nervous system, dropping into deeper states of concsiousness, living in tune with the cycles of the sun and the moon. And music.

I am passionate about exploring altered/deeper states of consciousness; the states where thinking changes, problems dissolve and solutions exist. There are many modalities used across cultures to support reaching these deeper states. 


My medicine cabinet has wisdom teachings from Ayurveda, Kabballah, the red road, the plants, the garden, yoga, and each different channel that connects me with presence, elemental wisdom and the pulsations and cycles of life, integrated through my own lived experience. It is my delight to support others in forging their unique healing path.


A wise teacher once said to me that the way we avoid burnout when life brings the heat is by eating fruits that have grown from the seeds we planted and tended before. 


The fruits we bear are dependent upon the seeds we plant, the condition of the environment in which we plant them, and how we tend to/take care of them. This is true for our gardens, and it is true for all things we wish to grow in our lives. When we are attuned to to cycles of nature, we have the great force of nature supporting our work, fueling the fruition of our dreams. 


Along with getting present through settling the nervous system and attuning to the cyclical nature of life, I tend to sing a lot. Music is a wonderful way to find blockages, clear channels, and enjoy the moment. 


May we be conscious partners in cultivating ourselves. May we grow beautiful, strong, healthy, and vibrant. May we have the best version of ourselves to give and live joyfully in reciprocity with all life. There is so much power to harness in aligning with the energy stirring each moment. Welcoming it with anticipation and love. 



Wisdom Keepers Lighting My Way

My dear teachers whom I have learned directly from that are not listed above (to name a few) and what I have studied with them:


Rachelle Garcia Seliga and Juan Garcia - Innate Traditions holistic postpartum care certification, well-woman care, teachings of the fire, water, earth, and air, sweat lodge teachings and ceremonial wisdom and integration, tending land and growing corn.


Whapio - holistic doula certification, quantum midwifery mentorship, birth keeping, and family directed care

Shelley Torgove - herbalism, feminine centered healing traditions, women's self-care, physiology of the menstrual cycle


Jose Feliciano Ake Kinil - Mayan abdominal massage/la tallada Maya, Maya medicine for women's health


Jeremy Wolf - 75+ hours yoga and yoga nidra training/certification, cherished mentorship as I bring my souls callings down to earth


Derik Eselius - 500+ hours of yoga teacher training/certification, annual sugar fast facilitator, a major influencer in my coming out of my shell musically and beyond


Rainer Scheurenbrand - guitar, music, patience, presence, listening, qualities necessary to master any art


Shimshai and Susana - 4 vision quests, drum and song medicine, connection to my womb, elemental wisdom, how to clarify and live my prayer more deeply on the red road


Chaya Lester - kabbalistic dreamwork, women's group facilitation


Alakananda Ma and Sadananda - Kirtan, water and fire ceremony, integrity and sincerity; so much life wisdom from these sweet elders


Laksmana Dasa - Ayurvedic mentorship

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